Top Five Things You Can Do at the Library During the Holiday Break
It's that time of year again. You love having everyone at home and together during the holidays, but soon enough you hear the deadly, "I'm bored!" whine from your most well behaved child. So what's a parent to do?
Come to the library! The Rancho Cucamonga Library is here to help you find fun, low cost options for you and your family to enjoy.
1. Sit in on a storytime!
The Biane Library will continue to offer Family Saturdays, our unique, active storytime for the whole family during the holidays. Join us for the ever popular, Games Day, on December 27 or make a calendar for the new year on January 3.
2. Make a Craft!
Both the Archibald and Biane Libraries will be offering make and take crafts during the break. Archibald will have theirs available December 30 and Biane throughout the break.
3. Check out our Virtual Library!
This is a nice alternative if the weather outside proves to be frightful. Log in from the comfort of your home and browse the Library's vast digital collections. There is a wealth of information you can use through our more than 30 online databases.
4. Have you seen the adult collection lately?
For those of you with small children, you may be interested to know the Library has an extensive collection of materials for adults. :-) Come browse our vast selection of popular fiction and non-fiction, audio books and feature films on DVD.
5. Read a story to your child
The literacy experts say nothing is more valuable or makes a more lasting impression than reading to your children. The Library offers an outstanding selection of books for you to share with even the pickiest little one. And as always, if you need help finding something to delight, entertain, enlighten or simply curl up with, let us know, we're glad to help!
From the Rancho Cucamonga Library Family to Yours:
Happy Holidays!

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