Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008
Storytime Registration is Coming Soon
Registration for the next storytime sessions will take place the week of December 15-19, 2008.
Monday, December 15th @ the Paul A. Biane Library
Bouncing Babies registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, December 16th @ the Paul A. Biane Library
Preschool Storytime registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, December 17th @ the Archibald Library
Preschool Storytime registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, December 18th @ the Archibald Library
Bouncing Babies registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Toddler Time registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Friday, December 19th @ the Paul A. Biane Library
Toddler Time registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Family Storytime registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Also, don't forget that both libraries also offer weekly storytimes that do not require registration:
At the Paul A. Biane library:
Pajama Storytime is Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
Family Saturdays is Saturday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
At the Archibald library:
Family Storytime is Saturday mornings at 11:00 a.m.
Please note that there will be no weekday storytimes from December 22-26 and December 29 - January 2. The new sessions will begin the week of January 5-9, 2009.
However, the Archibald library will have a special "Snowflake Make and Take" program on Tuesday, December 30 at 2:00 p.m.
Please join us that day for stories, crafts, and lots of holiday fun!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Healthy RC Is the Way to Be!
We are so excited to help you inspire and encourage your whole family to become healthier in Mind, Body and Spirit! Whether looking for the latest books, cds, dvds or magazines geared to making this your best life or simply finding something fun the whole family can enjoy, the Rancho Cucamonga Library is your place to energize and refresh yourself and the planet!
Check out these title just for kids:
Babar's Yoga for Elephant's by Laurent de Brunhoff
Everyone's favorite pachyderm leads you through many popular yoga
asanas. With great, thorough illustrations. Tae-Bo Kicks DVD by Billy Blanks
Learn to stomp, kick and punch your way to a better, more energized you.
Dr. Sears' Lean Kids by William Sears, M.D.
Providing developmentally appropriate exercizes, trusted pediatrician, William Sears, gives parents all they need to know to sever the tv-tie and encourage their children to be more active.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Time Travel @ the Archibald library and Recycling @ the Biane library
More special weekend programs are planned for both libraries this Saturday, November 15.
At the Biane Library, the theme for the 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Family Storytimes is "America Recycles." Anyone who brings in 10 plastic bags between 1 to 5 PM will receive a reusable bag. In the Story Theater participants will share a book about recycling, see a PowerPoint Trivia Presentation, and discuss various ways to recycle! In the non-fiction area of the library children will create their own bugs using recycled egg carton cups. Recycler Coyote will be making an appearance for anyone who would like to take a picture with him.
And the monthly Time Travel series continues at the Archibald Library at 1:00 p.m. with a focus on Colonial America.
Also the following Saturday, November 22, please join us at the same times and at both libraries for a Native American Indian celebration.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Big Trucks @ the Archibald library and Bugs @ the Biane library!
This Saturday, October 25th, there will be special children's events at both the Archibald and Biane libraries:
The Archibald library will be hosting a Big Truck Storytime beginning at 11:00 a.m. The event will begin in the story theater and then move out to the north parking lot to see a police car, fire truck, trash truck, and, of course, the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library bookmobile.
Also, at 2:00 and again at 3:00, the Biane library will host a James and the Giant Peach party, with special guests from the UCR Entomology Department. There will be a hands-on insect program, crafts, and other activities.
Don't miss out on these great events!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
October is almost here bringing “Mystery Month” to the Rancho Cucamonga Libraries. Mysterious happenings at Afterschool Cool will get underway this Wednesday at the Paul A. Biane Library and Thursday at the Archibald Library both starting at 4:00 p.m. School-aged children will help initiate a month of mysteries leading up to spookiness in the approach to Halloween.
Featured among the mysteries in the Library’s collection are books by Bruce Hale. Mr. Hale will be visiting both libraries on Thursday October 23 and one lucky school on Friday October 24. Tickets to these events will be available soon. In the meantime visit you may visit Bruce Hale on his website at http://www.brucehale.com/.
Welcome back to the “new” Archibald with Buster Balloon on Wednesday October 8 at 7:00 p.m. Free tickets will be available at both the Archibald and Paul A. Biane Libraries beginning Wednesday October 1. This zany entertainer was the highlight of the Summer at the Biane Library and sure to be popular.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage @ the Archibald Library
This Saturday, September 27, please join us at 11 a.m. in the Archibald Library storyroom to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Children will have the opportunity to learn about a South American country, see a folk dance, hear stories, and create beautiful tissue paper flowers. This program is free and walk-ins are welcome.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The newly remodeled Archibald Library is back in business and more beautiful than ever. There are so many great new things, like:
- The new Technology Center offering free classes in basic and more advanced computer operations
- Larger space for our ever popular children's picture book collection including more comfy chairs to read in
- Thousands of new items you can check out -- for FREE!!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Hispanic Heritage Festival Coming Sept. 5th The Biane library will host another great after-hours event from 7-9 pm this Friday, Sept. 5: the Hispanic Heritage Festival. This is an event for the whole family, with crafts, games, music, and performers. Free tickets are available at the Information Desk.
Archibald Grand Re-Opening on September 13.
Also, please make plans to attend the grand re-opening of the Archibald library on Saturday, September 13th. The library will open at 10 am, and the Children's Department will offer storytimes by Ina Buckner-Barnette between 10:30 - noon. Also, musician Dan Crow will perform from 12:30 - 2 pm. Tickets for these free events will be available at the Archibald Children's Desk on the day of the event. Hope to see you there!
Fall Storytime Sessions Begin This Week
Fall storytime sessions for both the Biane and Archibald libraries begin this week (exception: Bouncing Babies begins next week). Archibald storytime groups will meet at the Biane library this week and next week. Beginning the week of Sept. 15th, Archibald storytimes will be held in the newly remodeled storyroom at the Archibald library.
Here is a schedule for this 8-week session:
Biane Storytimes:
Mondays -- Bouncing Babies (10 am and 11 am) will begin next week, on Monday, Sept. 8, because the library was closed for the Labor Day holiday. Registration for the next session will begin Monday, October 20.
Tuesdays -- Preschool Storytime (10 am and 11 am) begins today, Sept. 2. Registration for the next session will begin Tuesday, October 21.
Tuesdays -- Pajama Storytime (6:30 pm and 7:15 pm) resumes this week. Registration is not required.
Wednesdays -- Afterschool Cool (4 pm) begins tomorrow, Sept. 3. Registration is not required.
Fridays -- Toddler Time (10 am) and Family Storytime (11 am and 12 noon) begin Sept. 5. Registration for the next session will begin October 24.
Saturdays -- Family Saturdays (2 pm and 3 pm) is ongoing.
Archibald Storytimes:
Wednesdays -- Preschool Storytime (10 am and 11 am) begins Sept. 3. Meet at the Biane library Sept. 3 and Sept. 10. Begin meeting at the Archibald library on Sept. 17. Registration for the next session will begin October 22.
Thursdays -- Bouncing Babies (10 am) begins Sept. 11. Meet at the Biane library Sept. 11. Begin meeting at the Archibald library again on Sept. 18. Registration for the next session will begin October 23.
Thursdays -- Toddler Time (11 am) begins Sept. 4. Meet at the Biane library Sept. 4 and Sept. 11. Begin meeting at the Archibald library again on Sept. 18. Registration for the next session will begin October 23.
Thursdays -- Afterschool Cool (4 pm) also begins Sept. 4. Meet at the Biane library Sept. 4 and Sept. 11. Begin meeting at the Archibald library again on Sept. 18. Registration is not required.
Saturdays -- Family Storytime (11 am) resumes Sept. 20. Registration is not required.
Friday, August 22, 2008
With most Rancho Cucamonga schools starting back up on August 25, now is the perfect time to get to know an online tutor at Live Homework Help!
Log in from anywhere you have internet access.
Tutors are available from 1pm to 10pm, 7 days a week.
Get help with Math, English, Science or Social Sciences for 3rd graders through the first year of college.
Review basic skills and get homework assistance from subject area experts.
Since 2006, Live Homework Help has assisted over 1,000 satisfied Rancho Cucamonga students. Whether you need to brush up on your basic skills or solve that nagging physics problem, get familiar with Live Homework Help! It can really be a life (and grade) saver.
Monday, August 18, 2008
On Thursday, Saturday the 14th, the library was happy to host a fantastic Summer Reading Club Finale to for all the kids who successfully completed the Summer Reading Program. In Celebration Hall, funny man Abbit the Average and juggler, David Cousin entertained children and parents with fantastic juggling and humor. Rafael and Katia were adventurous Pirate Magicians in the Lewis Family Playhouse. Staff from the library and Cultural Center worked together, along with some fantastic volunteers to make this finale a great event.
We appreciated the efforts from the kids and their families to make this year’s Catch the Reading Bug program one with record breaking sign-ups and attendance! We hope that everyone will join us again for next year’s Summer Reading Program - Get Creative @ Your Library!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Summer Reading Program Event: Bug Musical program
Are you curious about playing an instrument? Want to create your own music? We have many children's books exploring different topics about music. The Paul A. Biane library has a special area called the Performing Arts collection in the children's area which focuses on the arts. click on the book cover to see it's available:

and John Langstaff
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Summer Reading Club Is Winding Down
The 2008 Summer Reading Club has been a great success so far this year, with 2,440 children and teens participating. The last day to sign up for the program was July 25. Now we are headed into the last two weeks, and the last day to turn in completed logs will be August 9.
Today we held a raffle, which was a bonus prize for those kids who finished their week 4 reports by July 25th. Winners were notified by phone this morning. Prizes included tickets to a Dodgers baseball game, a bug sticker book, and some really cool butterfly sunglasses. Congratulations to all the raffle winners!
This summer has been a busy one at the Biane Library, especially on Thursday afternoons, when our performers have been here to entertain us in Celebration Hall. Many of these programs have had over 400 people in attendance, and we still have two Thursday performances to look forward to: Wildlife Company on July 31st and Music and Fun with Craig Newton on Aug. 7th.
This summer, we also offer our regular weekly storytimes. Remember that Pajama Storytime is Tuesday evenings at 6:30 and again at 7:15, and Family Saturdays story hours are every Saturday at 2:00 and again at 3:00. Both are offered on a walk-in basis, so please join us for these great programs whenever you can. Next Saturday, Aug. 2nd, the theme for the Family Saturdays story hour will be "The History of Flight."
The Archibald Library construction is proceeding as planned. If you would like to see pictures of the progress, you can visit the Archibald Remodel blog. Meanwhile, remember to visit us at the temporary Summer Library at Central Elementary School, Monday-Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM. Central Elementary School is just north of Foothill Blvd. on Archibald Ave.
Keep on reading!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Want to eat a bug?
Join us for a creepy crawly festival of bugs brought to you by the Wildlife Company! Free tickets are still available for the Wildlife Company who will be at Celebration Hall on Thursday,July 31st for our library’s Summer Reading Program. You will get an up close and personal introduction to a wide variety of bugs from all around the world. Shows are at 1pm and 3pm.
Free tickets are available at the Paul A. Biane Information Desk. If you miss getting a ticket, you may still be able to attend the performance if space is available. Please call 909-477-2720 ext. 5075 for further information.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Swazzle Is Coming!
Make way for the puppets, because the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library will be hosting Swazzle at Celebration Hall this Thursday, July 10, at 1:00 and 3:00. This is a great event for kids and their parents. Many people have already picked up their free tickets, but those without tickets will be admitted if there is space available.
Making puppets is a great summer activity for kids. You can even put on your own puppet shows when you have finished. If you would like to learn more about puppets and puppetry, here are some books the library has available that can get you started:
Puppet Mania!, by John E. Kennedy
Finger Folk, by Marilyn Lohnes
Puppets, by Meryl DoneyDon't forget that the Biane Library at Victoria Gardens is right next to the Lewis Family Playhouse. This month the playhouse is presenting Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, July 18-July 27. With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice, you won't want to miss this show!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
The library will be closed tomorrow in celebration of Independence Day. Remember that fireworks are illegal in the city of Rancho Cucamonga so if you'd like to enjoy a fireworks show you can see them at the Rancho Cucamonga Epicenter. Here are some books to share with your family about the holiday:
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga Catches the Reading Bug!
With almost 500 attending the Summer Reading Program Kickoff, Rancho Cucamonga has definitely caught the reading bug! After enjoying a great show featuring Buster Balloon parents and children streamed into the Children's Room at the Paul A. Biane Library at Victoria Gardens eager to sign up for the Summer Reading Club. If you haven't done that yet, don't panic, there's still time. Not at the Biane Library? Not to worry, you can also sign up for the Club at our Summer Family Library at Central Elementary.
And don't think the Summer Reading Club is just about earning prizes for the library books you read, we've also got great performers all summer long. This Thursday, we'll be featuring Wild Wonders and their exciting animal friends. Tickets are available at the Biane and Family Summer Libraries. Whatever your interest, there's something for everyone this summer at the Library!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Summer is Here!
The 2008 Summer Reading Program will begin this Saturday, June 21st with a kick-off event at the Paul A. Biane Library. Buster Balloon will be performing at 1:00 and again at 2:30. Free tickets to these performances are available at the Biane Library Information Desk, but hurry because they are going fast!
If you need some summer reading suggestions, how about reading some of the great books that have won the Newbery Medal? This prestigious award is given annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, and was first awarded in 1922, so there are many books to choose from!
Here are just a few of the many Newbery winners that the library has available:
• The Higher Power of Lucky, by Susan Patron (2007)
• Criss Cross, by Lynne Rae Perkins (2006)
• The Tale of Despereaux, by Kate DiCamillo (2004)
• Crispin: The Cross of Lead, by Avi (2003)
• A Single Shard, by Linda Sue Park (2002)
• A Year Down Yonder, by Richard Peck (2001)
• Bud, Not Buddy, by Christoher Paul Curtis (2000)
• Holes, by Louis Sachar (1999)
• The Midwife's Apprentice, by Karen Cushman (1996)
• Roll of Thunder, Heary My Cry, by Mildred Taylor (1977)
• Ginger Pye, by Eleanor Estes (1952)
• Caddie Woodlawn, by Carol Ryrie Brink (1936).
Monday, June 09, 2008
Father's Day Fun!
Father’s Day is next Sunday, June 15. While Father’s Day has been celebrated in the United States for 100 years, it didn’t officially become a holiday until 1972! Stop by the Paul A. Biane Library for Father’s Day fun this Saturday, June 14, at 2 and 3 p.m., and check out some of these fun books you can read to learn more about Father’s Day.
The Best Father’s Day Present Ever by Christine Loomis: Langley the snail arrives at the store too late to buy the perfect Father’s Day present for his dad, but on the return trip, he finds that the very best gifts are from the heart.
Father’s Day by Ann Heinrichs: Happy Father’s Day! -- The first Father’s Day card -- How did Father’s Day begin? -- How do we celebrate? -- Fathers of all kinds – Father’s Day around the world -- The poets' corner -- Our grandfathers and uncles -- Showing our love on Father’s Day.
Father’s Day Crafts by Fay Robinson: Fun holiday crafts kids can do! Make Dad the perfect gift that he'll be sure to love for years to come!
Biscuit Loves Father’s Day by Alyssa Satin Capucilli: Father’s Day is a great time to show Dad how much we love him. Unfold the big flaps and join Bisuit for fun times with Dad--exploring, playing, and sharing.
It’s Father’s Day, Charlie Brown! by Judy Katchske: Charlie Brown is trying to find the perfect present for his father on Father’s Day.
A Perfect Father’s Day by Eve Bunting: When four-year-old Susie treats her father to a series of special activities for Father’s Day, they just happen to be all of her own favorite things.
Froggy’s Day with Dad by Jonathan London: Froggy and his dad celebrate Father's Day with a game of miniature golf, among other things.
Father Bear’s Special Day by Else Holmelund Minarik: It’s Father’s Day and Little Bear wants to have a special day with Father Bear, but when all of Little Bear’s friends tag along on their fishing trip, he doesn't know what to do!
Arthur and the 1,001 Dads by Marc Brown: Arthur and his friends try to find a substitute to attend the Father's Day picnic with Buster, whose father is not around much since his parents' divorce.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Summer Storytime Registrations
Archibald Library’s remodel is right around the corner! Archibald Library will be closed for the remodel starting on Saturday, June 14th. Since the Archibald location will be closed for the summer, we will have Archibald's summer storytimes at the Paul A. Biane Library.
Registrations for Archibald Library’s storytimes will be taken at the Archibald location until June 14th– but storytimes will be located at the Paul A. Biane Library. Here is a list of the storytimes requiring registration:
Bouncing Babies
Monday 10am and 11am session – registration starts at 10am at the Paul A. Biane Library on June 2nd. Session will start at the Paul A. Biane Library on Monday, June 23rd.
Thursday 10am session – registration starts at 10am at the Archibald Library on June 5th. Session will start at the Paul A. Biane Library on Thursday, June 26th.
Thursday 11am session – registration starts at 10am at the Archibald Library on June 12th. Session will start at the Paul A. Biane Library on Thursday June 26th.
Friday 11 am session – registration starts at 10am at the Paul A. Biane Library on June 13th. Session will start at the Paul A. Biane Library on Friday, June 27th.
Preschool Storytime
Tuesday 10am and 11am session – registration starts at 10am at the Paul A. Biane Library on Tuesday, June 10th. Session will start at the Paul A. Biane Library on Tuesday, June 24th.
Wednesday 10am and 11am session – registration starts at 10am at the Archibald Library on Wednesday, June 11th. Session will start at the Paul A. Biane Library on Wednesday, June 25th.
Family Storytime
Friday 11am session – registration starts at 10am at the Paul A. Biane Library at 10am. Session will start at the Paul A. Biane Library on Friday, June 27th at the Paul A. Biane Library.
Questions? Call 477-2720, ext. 5025 or ext 5075 for further information.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
- browsing collection of popular materials for adults
- great selection of materials for children and teens
- You can participate in the Summer Reading Club
- Library staff will also be on hand to assist you
The Family Library will open June 23, with service from 10-5 Monday through Friday.