Saturday, August 11, 2007

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
The end of the Summer Reading Program seems to come more quickly every year. This year was an extra special one, though, as we welcomed more participants to the program than ever before, set attendence records for weekly programs at both libraries and also saw attendance at our ongoing library programming increase.

This year, August also brings to an end our first year at the Biane Library. It seems like just yesterday we were unpacking pallets of books in 100 degree heat, dodging workers as they raced to put the finishing touches on what would become our third amazing library location (fourth, if you count our bookmobile) and tried to corral the 3,000+ who attended the opening day festivities.

It truely been an amazing summer and an equally incredible year. I can only wonder what this "new year" may have in store!

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