Babies are synonymous with beginnings and fresh starts so what better way to usher in the new year than by starting a new storytime just for babies?! Beginning January 14 at the Paul A. Biane Library and January 17 at the Archibald Library, Bouncing Babies storytime will offer children ages 0-23 months and their caregivers an opportunity to enjoy songs, fingerplays, stories and quality time learning about language and play. If you'd like to register for this new program, please register at your closest library location.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Babies are synonymous with beginnings and fresh starts so what better way to usher in the new year than by starting a new storytime just for babies?! Beginning January 14 at the Paul A. Biane Library and January 17 at the Archibald Library, Bouncing Babies storytime will offer children ages 0-23 months and their caregivers an opportunity to enjoy songs, fingerplays, stories and quality time learning about language and play. If you'd like to register for this new program, please register at your closest library location.
Monday, December 17, 2007
So Just Where Have We Been?
While its customary to do a year in review posting closer to the end of the year, now, in the wake of our annual inservice, is a perfect time to recap some of the amazing things that have gone on at our amazing libraries in the past twelve months.
Between our three locations, Archibald, Biane and the Bookmobile, we have circulated almost 1 million items (sure to top that by January 1), welcomed almost 600,000 visitors and issued almost 20,000 new library cards!
As we look forward to the new year, we know we're only going to get bigger and better. We're going to begin work on revamping our "fourth" location -- the Virtual Library, enhancing and expanding our programming with the addition of a storytime for children under the age of two and increasing the number of special family programs offered at all of our locations.
We look forward to seeing all our library regulars as we welcome in this new year and making some new friends, as well! Please join us in making 2008 our best year ever!
Monday, November 26, 2007
We're Back!
We hope all of you had a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving! For us, we know we'll be seeing you in the next few weeks for those last minute projects, science experiment information and to boost your AR point levels.
Just don't forget in the midst of your rushing to take time out to enjoy some lighter fare. Both our Archibald and Biane Libraries host a wide variety of magazines for children's and adults -- just the thing for a short study break. Or perhaps try a book on cd just for fun. As always, there is a full calendar of special programs designed to inform, enlighten and entertain, so you might consider taking an hour out of your week and treat yourself.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
As you look forward to that long weekend (or week) that's just around the corner, why not use the time to enjoy a good book or two with your whole family? Some titles you might enjoy...
'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey
This picture book favorite recounts a very special field trip to Mack Nugget's Turkey Farm on Thanksgiving Eve. Great for the whole family.
Thanksgiving by Marilyn Miller
J 394.2649 MIL
A short, non-fiction book detailing the history, traditon and customs of the holiday.
An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott
An adaptation of the original story of seven children who must plan the family feast while their mother is away caring for their grandmother.
And as always, there are a host of books, books on cd, dvds and other materials available at both library locations. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Storytime Registration Starts This Week
Registration for the next eight week session of Preschool storytime starts this Tuesday at the Biane Library at 10am and Wednesday, at our Archibald Library. Once registered, children are insured a spot at each weekly storytime. Rancho Cucamonga Library began registering children several years ago due to the high demand for storytimes specifically geared to Preschoolers and Toddlers. Both libraries also offer Family Storytime, which are open to the whole family at various times throughout the week. Check out our calendar of events for more information.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Preschool Storytime Parents Now's Your Chance to Read A Book for Grown-Ups!
Rancho Cucamonga's Big Read is bigger than ever and here's your chance to get with the program! Parents and Caregivers with children in the 10AM Preschool Storytime at both libraries can read Harper Lee's classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, and participate in a book discussion while your children are in storytime on October 30, at the Biane Library or October 31 at our Archibald Library.
This is a great way to enjoy the book and meet other preschool parents and caregivers. If you'd like more information about how you can get copies of the book or sign up for a discussion section, please contact Casey Marcarello, Reference Services Librarian at or call (909)477-2720 ext. 5064.
Keep Those Entries Coming
We are seeing some great pictures in our Go, Dog, Go! Pet Photo contest. Just a reminder, though, you'll have to get those entries in soon...the deadline is Saturday, October 13th at 5:00pm. And be sure you stop by the Biane Library on Saturday, October 20th for our Family Saturday program in celebration of Go, Dog Go when we announce the winners!
Friday, September 28, 2007
October 6th: Craft Day!
Drop by from 1-4pm for make and take crafts
October 13th: Sports with Patric O'Brien Fairs
Learn about different sports and activities with our special guest Patric O'Brien Frairs!
October 20th: Go, Dog, the Library!!
A storytime in the Library, activities in the courtyard and the Library's pet photo contest winners will be announced! Come join us in celebrating the Mainstreet Theatre Company's production of Go, Dog, Go!
October 27th: It's the Great Pumpkin
A holiday classic that you can share with the family! Read the story and make a craft that the whole family can enjoy.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What an exciting kick-off to the new school year!
The Rancho Cucamonga Library welcomed the new school year by offering our first Family Saturday Program on Saturday September 15th! We celebrated with a Back to school storytime, pencil cup craft and a spelling bee. The highlight of the event was by far the Spelling Bee. We had ten contestants, five in the 6-8 year old group and five in the 9-11 year old group. The competition went so well, the 6-8 year olds were spelling word from the 9-11 years list! A good time was had by all and everyone walked away with a prize for their efforts and great spelling abilities!
We will have a variety of activities going on every Saturday at the Biane Library! We hope you will stop by and join us!
The Biane Library is now open on Mondays!
The Biane Library is proud to announce that we are now open on Mondays from 10am-9pm. We hope you can come in the Library and pay us a visit!
Friday, August 17, 2007
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
Unfortunately as another Summer comes to an end, we not only have to bid farewell to the Summer Reading program but to Sara Jump, our Children's Librarian at the Archibald Library. Sara has grudgingly left the blazing heat of sunny, Southern California for the blazing heat of Minnesota. While we were all shocked and saddened by Sara's need to relocate, we are really grateful for the short time we were able to share with her. Her enthusiasm for children's services and committment to the children of Rancho Cucamonga will be missed. However, Minnesota's sure lucky!
Abbit the Average? Scott Land Marionettes? 110 Degree Heat? Must Be Another Spectacular Finish to the Summer Reading Program
A fun time was had by all! All that is who finished the Summer Reading program. Whether enjoying the Dunk the Duck game or the comedy stylings of Abbit the Average, close to 1000 attended the three hour festivities on August 16. Congratulations to all who finished! Check out some program highlights on flickr.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
The end of the Summer Reading Program seems to come more quickly every year. This year was an extra special one, though, as we welcomed more participants to the program than ever before, set attendence records for weekly programs at both libraries and also saw attendance at our ongoing library programming increase.
This year, August also brings to an end our first year at the Biane Library. It seems like just yesterday we were unpacking pallets of books in 100 degree heat, dodging workers as they raced to put the finishing touches on what would become our third amazing library location (fourth, if you count our bookmobile) and tried to corral the 3,000+ who attended the opening day festivities.
It truely been an amazing summer and an equally incredible year. I can only wonder what this "new year" may have in store!
Friday, July 27, 2007
We're counting down the days...
We can't believe it's almost time, but the Summer Reading Program is almost over! Seems like just yesterday we were hanging question marks and children were checking out books by the armful (well, they still are) to fill in their reading log.
In the coming days, I'll be loading pictures from our summer programs to a flickr site, so we can all sit back, relax and recall the good old days...that were just a few days ago.
Taking a trip? No reason to stop reading!
If you're like thousands of others hitting the roads or taking to the skies this August, don't forget to bring along you're favorite book on CD. From popular titles like Harry Potter to classics like Stuart Little, books on CD are a great way for the whole family (or just one reader with a good pair of headphones) to enjoy some great titles. We have a great collection of titles at both libraries, so check it out.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
We’re heading into the home stretch…
If you’re one of the 1,000+ Rancho Cucamonga children who signed up for our Summer Reading Program, keep up the good work – you’re almost there. With just three weeks left in our Summer Reading Program, you are on your way to being a star summer reader and earning a great end-of-the-Summer surprise.
This is my plea to all of you industrious Muggles out there who’ve already finished the final (?) installment of the Harry Potter saga. I’m hoping to get to Harry and company as soon as I finish the other four books I have on my summer reading list including the next selection of the Rancho Readers Bookclub, The Westing Game.
At least I didn’t have to miss out on the Harry Potter party we had at our Archibald Library on Friday. As you can see from the pictures, a great time was had by all. Each participant was treated to sampling of Hogwarts classes, Divination, Herbology, Transfiguration and, the ever-popular, Potions. In true Hogwart’s style, following our classes, we returned to the “main hall” for a lovely feast including a birthday cake for “Haree”. At 12:01am Saturday morning, the race was on to get a copy of the book and start reading. Fear not, however, copies of the book are still available to purchase at both libraries, or you can add your name to the wait list.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Harry Potter and the Halfway Mark
Ok, so that isn't the title for J.K. Rowlings latest and final installment in the Harry Potter series. But, it seems that's what
summer is all about...
Harry Potter
We'll be hosting a very special Harry Potter party on July 20th for children ages 10-16. Participants will get to experience a day in the life of a Hogwart's student: taking classes, being chased by dementors and having tortured conversations with Moaning Myrtle.
Aside from all that fun, we really are curious to find out what happens in the final installment of the series. I can't really see Harry dying, as some of the more pessimistic among us believe. But I don't think all of my favorites will be spared. Maybe the Dursley's will finally get what's coming to them...
The Halfway Mark
If you are one of the 900 + participants in our Summer Reading Program, you've made it past the halfway point! Hopefully you've also had the chance to take part in some of the related activities and programs like our Rancho Readers bookclub or seeing one of our weekly performers. If you haven't, it isn't too late to start. Tickets area available at both libraries for our weekly events and you can contact me for more information about Rancho Reader's bookclub . Happy Reading!
SRP Performer Tickets
Farley the Fiddler tickets are available today! He will perform Wednesday, July 18th. Parents, please note the date change.
Rancho Readers Bookclub 11am in Reading Enrichment
Don’t Tell Anyone
Preschool Storytime
Preschool 10 & 11am (Registration Required)
Theme: Pets
PJ 6:30 & 7:15pm (walk-ins welcome)
Theme: Jungle
Waivers due for Harry Potter party.
Farley the Fiddler 4:00pm
Tickets available for One World Rhythm
No programming scheduled
Toddler time: 10am (registration required)
Theme: Boo-Boos
Family Storytime: 11am (walk-ins welcome)
Theme: Boo-Boos
Harry Potter Party at Archibald 9pm-?? (Registration required)
For children ages 10-16.
Upcoming Events
Simpsons Movie opens July 27, 2007
Rancho Readers Bookclub meets July 28, 2007, at 11am in Reading Enrichment
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Attention Library Information Seekers: Download the New Rancho Cucamonga Library Toolbar!
Want an even faster way to find things at your favorite library? You can now download the library's new toolbar so you can search from wherever you are online. The toolbar also features quicklinks to our Online Tutoring program, magazine and newspaper databases and offers an even faster way to get access to your library account information.
Children’s Events at the Biane Library for the week of July 7-July 14
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Tickets available for Karen Rae Kraut and April Rhodes: Vaudeville Detectives.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Keep America Beautiful 1-4pm
Crafts for kids to make:
Color your own Bookmark
Headbands: Ladybug and Butterfly
Flag: Families will “color in” two large US flags
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Registration begins for Harry Potter Night
Information Desk
Ages 10-16
Preschool Storytime 10 and 11am Registration Required
Theme: Painting
PJ Storytime 6:30 and 7:15pm Walk-ins Welcome
Theme: Courage
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
No programming scheduled
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tickets available for Farley the Fiddler. Please note, he will perform on Wednesday, July 18th, not on Thursday, as usual.
Vaudeville Detectives 4pm
Celebration Hall
Friday, July 13, 2007
Toddler Time 10am Registration Required
Theme: Cars
Family Storytime 11am
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Rancho Readers Bookclub Please sign-up at the Information Desk
11am Reading Enrichment Room
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Farley the Fiddler 4pm
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tickets available for One World Rhythm
Friday, July 20th
Harry Potter Night 10pm
Friday, June 01, 2007
Guess What's Coming Up...
Our Summer Reading Program is just around the corner!! Earn prizes, see great performers and read some wonderful books all summer long. Stop by for tickets to our fabulous kickoff event featuring Ken Frawley's KCCO Mystery Theater. See below for more information.
The week of June 2-9 at the Biane Library:
Ticket distribution for Summer Reading Kickoff Party begins.
Summer Reading Program Volunteer Orientation 11am; Storytheater
Preschool Storytime 10 and 11am
Theme: Feelings Registration Required
PJ Storytime 6:30 and 7:15pm
Theme: Dinosaurs Walk-ins Welcome
Toddler Time 10am
Theme: On The Range Registration Required
Family Storytime 11am
Theme: On the Range Registration Required
Afterschool Cool 4pm
Walk-ins Welcome
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, June 12 10am
Preschool Storytime Registration; Lewis Family Playhouse Lobby
Friday, June 15 10am
Toddler Time Registration; in front of the StoryTheater
Saturday, June 16 2pm
Summer Reading Program Kickoff Event; Celebration Hall
Thursday, May 10, 2007
News you can use...
Yesterday afternoon, teachers from around the southland gathered in the Lewis Family Playhouse to hear about the exciting 2007-2008 Theater for Young Audiences season. Featuring a great mix of shows for all grade levels, this upcoming season offers more opportunities to integrate theater arts in the classroom.
Beyond the outstanding curriculum guide (check it out -- its very cool), theater staff have forged a partnership with California State University San Bernardino's Master's in Theater Arts Education program. This partnership offers the opportunity for teachers and their students to have class visits by trained theater arts teachers! To find out how your class can participating in this unique and exciting opportunity, contact Murray Hepner in the Lewis Family Playhouse (909)477-2775 ext. 3734;
Don't forget to book your shows early -- they do sell out fast! Also, since you're here, why not add a tour of the Paul A. Biane Library on to your visit? Tours last approximately 1/2 hour, are arranged around theater performance schedules and can include time to browse and check out library materials. For more information about arranging a tour, contact Biane Library Tour Captain, Casey Marcarello (909)477-2720 ext. 5064; .
Children’s Events at the Biane Library for the Week of May 15-19
Preschool Storytime 10 and 11 am (Registration Required)
Theme: Bugs
Pajama Storytime 6:30 and 7:15 (Walk-ins Welcome)
Wednesday & Thursday
No events scheduled
Friday (Registration Required)
Toddler Time 10am
Theme: Camping
Family Storytime 11am (Walk-ins Welcome)
Afterschool Cool 4pm (Walk-ins Welcome)
Friday, May 04, 2007
Here are the events for the week of May 8-May 12:
Preschool Storytime: 10 and 11am (Registration required)
Theme: Mother’s Day
Pajama Storytime: 6:30 and 7:15pm (Walk-ins Welcome)
Theme: Mother’s Day
Make a Gift for Mom 4pm (Sign up at the Children's Desk)
Educator’s Season Announcement 4:30pm
Lewis Family Playhouse
Reading Enrichment/Back to Basics Graduation 5:30pm
Celebration Hall
Toddler Time: 10am (Registration Required)
Theme: Mother's Day
Family Storytime: 11am (Walk-ins Welcome)
Afterschool Cool: 4pm (Walk-ins Welcome)
Theme: Titanic!
Friday, April 27, 2007
We have a lot of great things going on at our three amazing libraries!
Grapeland Family Night -- Welcome Grizzlies!!
We were so happy to see so many enthusiastic grizzlies this Thursday at the Biane library!
Telethon -- $100,000 and counting!
If you were one of the very few who didn't catch it when it aired live on Channel 3 or saw our inaugural webcast, last weekend we had our 7th Rancho Cucamonga Library Telethon!! For three days, we saw some of the best entertainment and brightest students Rancho Cucamonga has to offer -- all for free. We're still accepting donations, with all the money going to help buy books and materials for our library.
Here's just a few of the participants:
Caryn Elementary School choir
Golden Elementary School choir
Junior Trivia Teams from 12 local schools
New Library Cards
Have you seen our new library card? I almost want to lose the one I have and get a new one...just kidding! Come in and check it out!
New Links
You asked for it, so our intrepid web genie (that's Mr. Jim Corwin to you) has added links to Live Homework Help from our home page! Now its easier than ever to get help with all your homework questions anywhere you have access to the Internet!
Monday, March 12, 2007
For more information on any of this week's selections, just click on the link.
Charlotte’s Web E. B. White
It just wouldn't be spring without revisiting the classic tale of life on the farm for Wilbur and his very special friend, Charlotte.
Small Pet Care : How to Look After Your Rabbit, Guinea Pig, or Hamster Annabel Blackelridge
You wanted 'em so it's up to you to take care of them! But, how do you know what to feed a guinea pig (hint, they don't eat pig food)? Are you supposed to brush your hamster's teeth? Does your rabbit really eat carrots? This book will answer all those questions, and more.
Abel’s Island William Steig
Small and well-mannered Abel is the last mouse anyone would guess could survive on his own in the wilderness. But when he gets stranded in a storm, Abel soon realizes he's stronger than even he knew.
I, Freddy Dietlof Reiche
Incredibly bright, Freddy is the only one capable of telling his harrowing life story including abandonment, kidnapping, bullies named Enrico and Caruso and his ultimate triumph. After all that, learning to use a computer is a cinch. Oh, did I forget to mention Freddy is a golden hamster?
Dogs Seymour Simon
Want to know everything there is to know about the best pet in the world (IMHO)? This book will get you started. Learn why your dog wags his tail, if he's really smiling at you and how dogs greet each other. Lots of great information and pictures, too!