February is a month for fun, learning and family togetherness at the library!

— Dr. Seuss, "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!"
This month we have a number of activites geared for children of all ages. Come join us for some crafts, games and reading at the library. All of these events including registration for the upcoming storytime sessions makes for a busy month at your library. Check out the upcoming events below.
Storytime Registrations
Registrations begin at 10am:
Bouncing Baby Storytime - Registration on Thursday, 18th for the Archibald Library session and Monday, February 8th for the Biane Library session (library will be closed on the 15th in observance of President's Day.)
Toddler Time – Registration on the Thursday,18th for the Archibald Library session, and Friday, February 19th for the Biane Library session.
Preschool Storytime - Registration on Tuesday, 16th for the Biane Library session and Wednesday, 17th for Archibald Library session.
Biane Library Family Storytime – Friday, February 19th at the Biane Library.
Cupid’s Workshop open to the Public! (ages 2-11)
Come join us for Cupid’s workshop where children will hear stories and make crafts that are fun for both boys and girls. This event will be held in Celebration Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 10th @ 4pm and again at the Archibald Library on Thursday, Feb. 11th (4pm). Tickets for the Archibald event are available at the Archibald Children’s desk don’t miss out!
Tickets for the Biane event will be available on Wednesday, Feb. 3rd at the Biane Children’s desk.
If you can’t make it to either event we will be continuing the love on Saturday, Feb. 13th at our family storytimes located at both libraries – Archibald Library 11am and Biane Library 2pm and 3pm
Black History Month (ages 6-11)
Cultural Arts Night
Travel back in time and visit the Underground Railroad where children will learn about the hardships of traveling between the vast network of people who helped slaves make their way to freedom. Join us for a special night featuring artists, musicians and a special guest speaker.
Where: Biane Library
When: Friday, February 19th 7 – 9 PM
Tickets will be available at the library information desks starting Feb. 8th
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! (ages 2-11)
Come hear one of our favorite children’s books Green Eggs and Ham and celebrate the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel famous cartoonists and children’s author. This year we are celebrating carnival style with games such as One fish, two fish, red fish, throw fish a Green eggs race and a Fox in Socks poetry jam.
This event will be at Celebration Hall (next to the Biane Library) on Wednesday, March 3rd @ 4pm and again at the Archibald Library on Thursday, March 4th in the children’s storytime theatre. Tickets are limited so be sure to hop on this opportunity!
Tickets available one week prior to this event @ the respective children’s information desks.
We hope to see you soon!
If you have any questions please call the children's department at 477-2720 ext. 5075 or ext. 5025.