Fun-Filled October Children’s Events!
October offers plenty of programs and activities for the entire family.
Everyone Loves a Cookie!
What's your favorite cookie? Did you know that October is National Cookie Month? Families with children ages 2 - 12 are invited to celebrate National Cookie Month on Saturday, October 3rd at the Paul A. Biane Library at 2pm and 3pm with fun and games featuring If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Walk ins welcome!
Big Truck Roundup
Saturday, October 10th at 11am at the Archibald Library. Family storytime fun followed by a special big truck petting zoo in the library’s parking lot. Explore some awesome big trucks! Tickets available on October 1st.

Like to get scared? Let's see how you handle the spine chilling stories on Wednesday, October 28th at the Paul A. Biane Library and 4pm on Thursday, October 29th at the Archibald Library. Ages 6 – 11 only.

For further information please call the Children's Information desk at the Paul A. Biane Library at 477-2720 ext. 5075 or the Archibald Library at 477-2720 ext. 5025